From A Blog or Website | Make Money With Zero Investment

In this, the eleventh way of creating funds online without any capital or investment you don’t need to register on other’s website and do their job. This time you will build your own website or a blog and will earn money through it. Believe it or not, it’s the most potential way to earn a sustainable passive income through internet and it doesn’t take many resources to get the results. Just remember; the one and only thing you need to get success in this field is your own CREATIVITY.

First of all let me tell you that it’s a very long project because it will take time and patient to reach your goal and also you need to learn few things to build a website. In short it’s a kind of skillful job. So I strongly recommend you to earn money through various other different ways which are already explained on this website and in the mean time learn this way.

So let’s start. Below is the overview of everything that is required to earn money by creating a website/blog. I explained them in steps and keep them short and focused to the main point. So proceed below.

On which Topic to create a website?

The first and the most important step is to choose the right topic on which you can build your website/blog. It is important because if you choose the wrong topic then you will never succeed in it and finally will fail and will waste a lots of time which will never return back in your life. So I strongly recommend you to take your time to select a topic. Don’t worry I am here to help you, just relax (take a long breath) and dip below:

You only need an idea, an idea of the topic on which you can create and run a website and I know it’s there in your brain, you only need to dig it out. Read the last sentence of the first paragraph, I wrote there that the one and only thing you need to earn money through this way is the CREATIVITY. So think about a topic in which you can do creative. People will like your website and they will bookmark it and visit it again and even they will recommend it to others only when it has something that other website don’t have and the only way to do that is via creativity.

So choose the subject in which you know much and you yourself think that you can do something creative in it. For example if you are good in cooking then you can make a blog to publish the recipes of your favorite dishes. If you are good in playing music instruments for example guitar then you can create a forum where you can teach the beginners or you can share the guitar tabs/chords of your favorite songs there. If you know much about automobiles like bikes, motor bikes, cars etc, then you can create a website where you can publish your reviews on them or on their accessories. In short, look at yourself and find out the things which you love to do, which attracts you and in which you are interested to explore more. If your passion becomes your profession then you will surely get the success and will reach the top in it.

After you choose the right topic/s for your website then do some search on Google about it. You will find many websites on that topic. Bookmark the top three and inspect them carefully. Find out their ideas behind, what are their specialties, learn how they publish their contents, what extra service they are providing, how cool their website looks, estimate the whole size of the websites i.e. the number of pages plus the average size of data on each page and also compare these three websites with each other and find out which one is the best. The website which is the best is your ultimate competitor and you must beat it in everything means you should have better idea, better specialty, better services and better design than it.

One thing, which I think is the right time to warn you about is - never even think of copying/stealing contents from other’s websites or manipulating/rewriting them for your personal profit. If you do it then there are three problems which you will face. The first one is D.M.C.A. (Digital Millennium Copyright Act); if they charge it on you for the infringement of their rights then you should pay them as high as $150,000 or any other similar compensation. Just type DMCA on Google and see yourself how dangerous this law is.

Second thing which you will face is no traffic. The major source of traffic to websites are search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing etc. and they check each and every page of a website before showing them on their index page or search result page. So if they find any page on your website which is a duplicate or a manipulate copy of any other website’s page then they will penalize you by completely removing your website from their search result page. So stealing or rewriting other’s content is only wastage of time.

Third thing is your reputation; website visitors and other webmasters will write about you on blogs and forums and will insult you. Soon everyone will hate your website and you will fail in your mission. So once again never think of copying, stealing, manipulating or rewriting other people’s original content. Only try to get an idea from them and then use your own creativity in writing or building your own original contents. And one more thing - always respect copyright.

A Website or a Blog?

After choosing the right topic next thing is to choose which suits the best; a Blog or a Website. Both have their own specific features and benefits. Blogs (derived from “web logs”) are meant for online journalism and the blog posts are arranged in reverse chronological order and their homepage is not constant since they are updated daily or weekly so to maintain a good blog you need to publish blog posts on your topic daily or weekly. Blogs also have a great conversational capability since most of blogs allow visitor to comment on the post. So blogs are best if you are planning to publish something which needs daily update for example news publication, reviewing products, publishing personal random stuffs, business and service updates etc.

Generally a Website has a fixed homepage and it is not arranged in any chronological order and updates are only made either to change/maintain/add some services or to make some corrections. Unlike blogs websites are not very conversational but they gain it by attaching a forum or a blog or a comment-box in their site. Websites are like books where there are topics, sub-topics and sub-sub topics etc and each of them have some specific modular function and all together them helps in reaching the main objective function of a website. Websites are good if you are planning to provide services like, sharing media stuffs, providing information on a particular topic, providing professional artwork, providing assistance in some work etc.

Domain Name Registration and Webhosting:

Domain Name is the name of a website or a blog. The cost for purchasing a website name or domain name for one year is around 10-12 dollars which is very low. If you register a domain name for one year then you should renew it again when it expires i.e. after one year. You can register it for a maximum of 10 years but after that you need to renew it again. Remember one thing your website name should contain the main keywords of your website’s topic for example if you are planning to make a website on “green marketing” then the ideal domain name should be or

After you register your domain name the next thing is to host it on a computer with a hard disk to store your website’s data and which is always On and always connected to the internet so that it can give access to your website anytime and anywhere in the world. Such online computers are known as Web Servers and we need to hire one to run our website. There are many web-server companies online which offer many paid plans based on the hard disk space and the internet bandwidth speed. If your website is huge means it shares large files and data online then it will utilize much hard disk space and also if it gets high traffic or many visitors at the same time then it should have a good internet bandwidth speed. There are also many web-server companies which provide 100% free web-hosting service but they offer less hard disk space and limited bandwidth. So in the very beginning when your website is not fully functional or is in testing mode then you can use free hosting plans. Some of my favorite companies which offer hosting for free are –,,,,,, and

Designing and Building it:

Now the next step is to construct your website. In this the first thing required is a good Website Theme. Most webmaster uses either Photoshop or Dreamweaver to create it. So learn them to make a great theme but If you are lazy and don’t want to learn then don’t worry, just type “free website themes” or “free website templates” on Google and you will find many websites offering them for free. So pick the one which looks cool.

Next thing is to build your website’s pages on that theme and for that you should learn html. Html stands for Hyper Text Markup Language and is used to design and construct WebPages and I think that it’s the world’s easiest language to learn and you can become professional in it within few weeks. Learn it from this website – It’s really a great tutorial website; I myself learned html and other languages from there for free. You will learn interactively and can also do practical there. If you are not interested in learning html then you can use free Website Builders available online to build your website and also some Webhost like,, etc provides a free “What You See Is What You Get “or WYSIWYG editors. However, I still strongly recommend you to get at least an overview of html.

You can build a fixed website using html alone (for example this website is build completely on html) however if your website is dynamic and it requires data or contents to be controlled (for example if you want users to register on your website and give them access to some specific services) then you should learn some advance web designing languages. Two famous languages are php and asp. FaceBook is build using php and Orkut is build using ASP. You need to learn only one of them and I like php. There are many video tutorials of php on YouTube, so just type “php tutorial” there and start learning it today.

Earning Money though it:

Now here comes the fruitful part i.e. earning money through your website. To earn money through your website you need to Monetize it using Affiliate Programs. The one of the famous affiliate program is Pay Per Click program or PPC in short. To get a live example of it just login to your Orkut account. You will find a module or a box on the right side which contains Advertisements tagged as “Ads by Google”. Orkut is not doing a social work or some kind of charity to help other websites by promoting them, it is earning money for showing them and it also earns a lot when someone clicks on them. Same way YouTube and other websites are earning money. This program is known as Pay Per Click program.

Let me explain you more about this PPC program. Google has a famous online advertising network company- the Google AdWords. The sponsor who wants to advertise their website through this PPC program of Google submits their advert on the Google AdWords website. There they decides how much they are willing to pay for each click and also how much for just showing their advert. Now there is another company of Google - the Google AdSense. It is for publishers or webmasters who want to earn money by showing ads on their website. This Google AdSense gives the webmaster a specific code which they add on their website and then their website becomes ready to show “Ads by Google”. Webmaster can decide what kind of advertisement they wants to show like banner image ads or simple text link ads and they can also control the quantity of ads. Now when someone visits the publisher’s website and clicks on an advert then two things will happen. First thing; the pre decided money which the sponsor decided to pay for each click will be reduced from his/her Google AdWords account. Second thing; the publisher at whose website the advert was clicked will be paid Some Money on his/her Google AdSense account. Noticed I wrote “will be paid SOME MONEY”, I wrote it because Google is a middleman between the sponsor and the publisher and it also earns money between this whole process of publications. Like Google AdWords there are other famous companies too. Some of them are Yahoo! Publisher Network, MSN AdCenter, Bid Vertiser Ads, Chitika ads etc. so PPC is nice way to monetize your website or a blog and its example can be seen anywhere on internet.

PPC is a one kind of affiliate program through which you can monetize your website. The second kind of affiliate program is PPL which stands for Pay Per Lead and here Lead means Action which can be filling a survey or a form, signup or registration on a website, posting information, or voting etc. So if you monetize your website using PPL program then you will paid for each and every lead your website generates.

The third affiliate program through which you can monetize your website or a blog is PPS or Pay Per Sale. As it is clear from the name; you will sell something through your website or blog and will earn money or commission for each and every sale you generate. Many webmaster sells Books, eBooks, CDs/DVDs, Software etc through their website. So this is another way to monetize your website.

To get more details about these three Affiliate Programs namely Pay Per Click, Pay Per Sale and Pay Per Lead please read this article > Earn Money Online – What we can Market?

Bringing Traffic to it:

Okay so till now I already taught you almost everything that is required to create and earn money through a website or a blog. Now here comes the last but the most important part of all i.e. bringing traffic or audience to your website. Imagine a scenario where you build your website which is running on the right track and also it’s ideally monetize to make you Richie Rich but what if no one knows about your website and no one except you visits it? So bringing traffic/audience or better say visitors is an important chapter of this whole story.

Everyone uses search engines for example Google to search something on internet. Remember how you came to this website? You opened the Google; you typed a search keyword on it and when the search result came, you found this website on one of the top three positions and finally you click the link and came here. Right? But there was a trick there. I already know what keywords most of the people types on Google and I optimize this website for those keywords so that Google will list me at least on the top three positions on its search result page and this is the only way how this website gets traffic. Google and other search engines are the most potential ways to bring free traffic to a website. The process to get a website or a blog listed on the top three positions for the desired keyword/s on the search result page is known as Search Engine Optimization or SEO in short. First of all let me tell you that it’s a long process and it can take up to 6 months of consistent work to get the desired results. So the key to success in SEO is Time, Patient and Consistency.

To learn SEO please read this article> Online Jobs for Teens- Search Engine Optimization. There I covered all basic fundamentals of SEO and keep them focused to the main point.

So this is all about earning through a website or a blog. I tried to give you an exact overview of everything that is required to get succeed in this field. Once again I am telling you that it’s the most potential way to earn a sustainable passive income through internet and it don’t requires much effort to get the desired results. The one and only thing that is required is your own Creativity. I know when your reading reaches here, you might be planning something big and I just want to say – “If you have creativity then one day you will surely get success and achieve new heights in your life.”

One last thing; since creating and running a website takes a long time so I strongly recommend you to earn money through various different ways explained on this website and in the mean time learn and practice the basics of building and running a website. All the best.


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