A live experience

The role of Non-Government Organizations' (NGOs) in socio-economic development : A study case of Bangladesh

Time & Date: 12:45; 06.08.2010
Area: Komolgonj – Kamargaw
Interviewee: Md. Nurul Amin Muhit
Interviewer: M.A.Muhit (pen-name)
Religion: Islam
Nationality: Bangladeshi
Family type: Joint family / combined family
Family Dominator: Male dominated

Mr. Muhit (pen-name) is a Businessman and he lives a thickly populated village named Kamargaw which is situated at Komolganj in Moulovi-Bazar district. There are 11 members in his family in which 4 male members and 7 female members. His educational merit is H.S.C. He is the only earning member in his family and he gets TK 19,000 per month from his business. As his family is a joint family so that it is not enough money to maintain his family. So he is taking loan from a NGO named Grameen since the year of 2008. He takes TK 5000 – 10000 every month as a loan and pays it in weekly installment. After taking loans his economic condition has been escalated and now he is happy to can develop his business. He also informed us that Grameen is not only a non-government organization in his village, but also there are many NGOs in this village other than Grameen (i.e. Brac, Prochesta, Ushosh, Aatto-unnoyon Songsta, etc). As maximum people of this village are indigent poor that means they are not affluent in economic conditions. That’s why most of the poor villagers take loan from these NGOs. These NGOs give different types of loans i.e. study loan, business loan, marriage loan, etc. As these NGOs loan is easily obtainable and, the percentage of interest is too low and, easy payable in installment so, the village people are more interested to take loan from these NGOs. These NGOs play some important role other than giving loan i.e. they prevent marriage portion, early marriage and, work for female authorized, removing poverty and unemployment problem by giving different types of training and loans and they have special opportunity for women. These NGOs also work for primary education and adult education. In his opinion, if these NGOs get government co-operation then there are more possibility to develop.


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