Types of Computer

     Computers are designed and built in various sizes and with different capacities. Based on the size and processing power computers are classified into few types. However, processing power, memory and storage capacity are improving so fast that definitions of different types are not valid at all the time. Following are the major types of computers.

  1. Supercomputer
  2. Mainframe Computer
  3. Minicomputer
  4. Workstation
  5. Microcomputer
  6. Desktop Computer
  7. Laptop Computer
  8. Handheld Computer

  • Mainframe Computer

     Mainframe computers are high-end computers available for general purpose use. These are designed for intensive computational task at relatively lower cost. Often they are shared by multiple users connected via terminals. A terminal is a monitor, a keyboard and sometimes a mouse connected to the mainframe computer. Mainframes are suitable for storing large volume of data. This is the reason for its use in banking and insurance industry. More recently they are used as servers for providing web or email services. Based on the size, capability and the number of users to support, a mainframe computer may cost from twenty lac to few crore taka. Due to the high cost, mainly large business organizations use mainframe computers. A mainframe can use an entire room or a whole floor. As the speed of microcomputers are getting faster and faster. Mainframes are becoming obsolete. Examples of mainframe computers are IBM System/370, IBM 4300, IBM 9672, NCR 8000, UNIVAC 1100/90, etc.


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