Feminization of Poverty

Feminization of Poverty

The feminization of poverty means the trend towards more and more of the burden of poverty being Bourne by women.

Causes of the FOP

  1. Women are paid less. That accumulates throughout a lifetime.
  2. Occupational segregation - jobs that women are socialized to go for, often pay less.
    • Women usually (90%) take care of the children -- child support costs $
    • Decreasing amounts/awards of child support
    • Only about 50% of fathers pay court-ordered child-support
    • Amount that fathers pay (old stat: $229 per family) is not enough to pay for day care, usually less than car payment
    • After divorce, men's income tends to go up and women's down
  4. Women tend to outlive their husbands and money can run out.
  5. Demographic changes mean that increasing number of women-maintained families where there are no men bringing in money.
    • Changes in the economy (reduction of wages for working people) mean that most families need two incomes to survive.
    • Men's wages are higher than women's (73%-76%).
  6. Welfare no longer exists. AFDC is being phased out replaced by TANF.
  7. Structure of the workforce: women tend to go into lower paying professions. Places where women can get jobs often are part time, half-time, seasonal, no benefits.
  8. Many women's jobs don't have medical benefits.
  9. Government tends to fund the elderly instead of children and mothers.


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