C Program To Implement Bubble Sort Algorithm To Print N Numbers In Ascending Order

♣ Try it Out ::

void BubbleSort(int*, int);

int main()
    int ArraySize;

    printf("How many numbers you wish to enter: ");
    scanf("%d", &ArraySize);

    int Array[ArraySize], i;

    printf("Enter %d integers: \n", ArraySize);
    for(i=0; i<ArraySize; i++)
        scanf("%d", &Array[i]);

    BubbleSort(Array, ArraySize);

    printf("\nSorted list in ascending order:\n");
    for(i=0; i<ArraySize; i++)
        printf("%d ", Array[i]);


void BubbleSort(int Arr[], int Size)
    int Swap, i, j;

    for(i=0; i<Size-1; i++)
        for(j=Size-1; j>=i+1; j--)
            if(Arr[j-1] > Arr[j])
                Swap     = Arr[j-1];
                Arr[j-1] = Arr[j];
                Arr[j]   = Swap;

♣ Output ::
How many numbers you wish to enter: 5
Enter 5 integers:
8 0 1 9 7

Sorted list in ascending order:
0 1 7 8 9

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