
Showing posts from August, 2010

What is css?

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a collection of formatting rules that control the appearance of content in a web page. Using CSS styles to format a page separates content from presentation. The content of your page—the HTML code—resides in the HTML file, and the CSS rules defining the presentation of the code reside in another file (an external style sheet) or in another part of the HTML document (usually the head section). Separating content from presentation makes it much easier to maintain the appearance of your site from a central location because you don’t need to update every property on every page whenever you want to make a change. Separating content from presentation also results in simpler and cleaner HTML code, which provides shorter browser loading times, and simplifies navigation for people with accessibility issues (for example, those using screen readers). CSS gives you great flexibility and control over the exact appearance of your page. With CSS you can control many...

A live experience

The role of Non-Government Organizations' (NGOs) in socio-economic development : A study case of Bangladesh Time & Date : 12:45; 06.08.2010 Area : Komolgonj – Kamargaw Interviewee : Md. Nurul Amin Muhit Interviewer : M.A.Muhit (pen-name) Religion : Islam Nationality : Bangladeshi Family type : Joint family / combined family Family Dominator : Male dominated Mr. Muhit (pen-name) is a Businessman and he lives a thickly populated village named Kamargaw which is situated at Komolganj in Moulovi-Bazar district. There are 11 members in his family in which 4 male members and 7 female members. His educational merit is H.S.C. He is the only earning member in his family and he gets TK 19,000 per month from his business. As his family is a joint family so that it is not enough money to maintain his family. So he is taking loan from a NGO named Grameen since the year of 2008. He takes TK 5000 – 10000 every month as a loan and pays it in weekly installment. After taking...

Difference between memory device & storage device

     What are the difference between memory device & storage device?     The difference between memory device & storage device are given below: Memory Storage 1. It can store data temporary. 1. It can store data permanently. 2. It is volatile; that means whenever power goes off, memory device forgets everything. 2. It is non-volatile that means it can store data even when there is no power. 3. It has very small storage capacity. 3. Its storage capacity is very large. 4. Memory device is relatively expensive. 4. Storage device is relatively cheap. 5. It has direct connection with microprocessor. 5. It has no direct connection with microprocessor. 6. It is very fast. 6. It is relatively slow. 7. example: RAM 7. example: Hard disk

Feminization of Poverty

    The feminization of poverty means the trend towards more and more of the burden of poverty being bourne by women. Causes of the FOP : Women are paid less. Occupational segregation - jobs that women are socialized to go for, often pay less. Divorce tend. Woment tend to outlive their husbrands and money can run out. Demographic changes mean that increasing number of women - maintained families where there are no men bringing in money. Welfare no longer exists. Steucture of the workforce women tend to go into lower paying professions. Place where women can get jobs often are partime, halftime, second, no banefits. Many womens job dont have medical banefits. Government tends to find the olderly instead of children and mothers.

Uses of Computers

    We have been said to live in the computer age and now living in the information technology age. Whatever the age is, computers are the main elements shaping our lives. We use and rely on computers or related services in so many ways than we really realize. Though lagging behind the developed countries, our country has made good progress in using computers. Computers are being used in lots of fields around our lives and society. Below are the few fields that made remarkable use of computers. Education Publication Science Health and Medicine Business Industry Music Communication Entertainment Education     Computers have now become the mandatory tool for education. They are being used in classrooms, library, and laboratory everywhere everyday. The traditional chalk-blackboard classrooms have been replaced with video projectors and computers where multimedia presentations are the means of teaching. Such presentations can have colore...

Types of Computer

     Computers are designed and built in various sizes and with different capacities. Based on the size and processing power computers are classified into few types. However, processing power, memory and storage capacity are improving so fast that definitions of different types are not valid at all the time. Following are the major types of computers. Supercomputer Mainframe Computer Minicomputer Workstation Microcomputer Desktop Computer Laptop Computer Handheld Computer Mainframe Computer      Mainframe computers are high-end computers available for general purpose use. These are designed for intensive computational task at relatively lower cost. Often they are shared by multiple users connected via terminals. A terminal is a monitor, a keyboard and sometimes a mouse connected to the mainframe computer. Mainframes are suitable for storing large volume of data. This is the reason for its use in banking and insurance industry. More re...